Alberto Silva

Fullstack developer

About me


I'm a full stack developer, fullstack Blockchain developer, computer systems student based in México CDMX.

I like to compete, i have participate from 4 years in ICPC (International collegiate programing contest) ranking in the top 10 of my contry .

I like to teach ,I was teacher in data structures and algorithms.

I learn playing , solve challenges rank and play games is my favourite way to learn.

I want to share Knowledge , I'm working in my blog in such i focus in solve different challenges, explain the process and what i learn from that.


  • Platzi

    Jun 2022 -Present

    Ethereum developer program

    A program dedicated to improve the skills in blockchain techmologies

  • IPN

    Jan 2017 -Jun 2022

    Bachelor in Computer systems engineer

    Studing computer systems engineer in one of the best universities of my country

  • Platzi

    Dec 2021 -Present

    Front end developer

    Finished 40+ courses in the platform of effective online education 'Platzi'. the majority related to web develpment

My skills & Knowledge


Conway´s Game of life web version

An implementation of hashLife algorithm for the game of life , supports all possible rules in the space of the game and a visualzation of atractors

Decentralized voting app

An app to make votes in blockchain

DoChain - Private and secure documents (Backend)

A decentralized app to store legal documents, powered with simetric and asymetric cryptography to ensure that only the people you want can see de files you share